Flask project EMU Supporting tagline
project EMU is for train ticket_booking , I have done this project with java before, now I change it to python with Flask
Part One : database tables
their are five tables , Admin
is for admin to manage the system; user
is for user to sign in and register his accounts; Train
is for train information, such as train ID
, volume
,train type
,train number
; table Ticket
is for info of tickets ,such as ticket ID
, start Date
, end Date
, start place
, end Place
, seat number
,train ID
; User_booked_ticket
is for making user’s booking tickets, such as train ID
and ticket ID
part Two : create a project
to install flask if we don’t have.
sudo easy_install virtualenv
cerate and active its environment:
mkdir emu
,cd emu
,virtualenv env
, the use . env/bin/activate
to active. and finally , use easy_install Flask
to install flask in this ENV.
Part Three : add code.
create file named “emu.py”,
we need these Plug-in:
for sending emails;
for managing permissions;
for uploading file;
for preventing duplicate submissions of the form(named “CSRF”?) and recaptcha.
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
this page for index view, and if user login in , he can get this page.
@app.route('/user/sign_up',methods=['GET', 'POST'])
for user to sign up.
@app.route('/user/<ticket_number>',methods = ['GET',"POST"])
def book_ticket(ticket_number):
for user to book a ticket.
def logout():
for user to logout
@app.route('/user/ticket_list',method ='GET')
def show_user_ticket():
for listing user booked tickets
def delete_user_ticket():
if user has a ticket whick he doesn’t want, he can delete it .
@app.route(/user/register,method = "POST")
def user_register():
for user to register his account
@app.route(/admin/login,method = 'POST')
def admin_login():
for admin to login.
def admin_logout():
for admin to logout.
def admin_remove_user():
for admin to remove user.
def admin_add_user():
for admin to add user accounts.
@app.route('/user/upload', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def user_upload_file():
if request.method == 'POST':
f = request.files['the_file']
f.save('/var/www/uploads/' + secure_filename(f.filename))
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