How To Test Weibo Authentication With Gem Omniauth Weibo Oauth2 Supporting tagline
Cause weibo update its oauth into oauth2, and abandon the first one on September , all the websites those use oauth should follow its update. So Gem “omniauth-weibo-oauth2” may be a good choose for ruby guys.
if we test this gem with “localhost:3000” ,it will come Error “你所访问的站点在新浪微博的认证失败,请你联系注册者或者稍后再试。(error:redirect_uri_mismatch)”, I fixed this problem with the following steps , hope will be helpful for U . :)
here comes solution.
first , you need to register one weibo account for this , then update your developer info Here. then also add website info herefor verification, remember api_key
, and the websit domain ,make “” as an example.
second , add “” to /etc/hosts
third , config/services.yml for setting your weibo api_key and api_secret , set redirect_uri like this , “”
then rails s
fourth, type “” for testing.
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